Monday, June 13, 2011

Mondays are mondays...

...even in Poland.
Today was kind of a mixed bag at the site. We got stuff done, but there's so much left to do and I want to get people to speed up, stop the fussing over the tightness of the joints. I want to get this done! I guess it's my turn to be anxious again.

My parents are here! They arrived on Saturday and came to find me at the building site. Yesterday we went to the Icon Museum in the castle in Sanok, a good swim at the pool to service my back and then a trip on back roads with plenty of pot holes.

We ended up at a school that was holding it's first Eco Fair. The children of our local hero Arek attend this school and it is in need of funding to stay open. The Timber Framers did a demonstration of their axe work bringing a few timbers to hew and pitsaw and other axe joinery. Many gathered around and occasionally picked up an axe themselves. We had great fun.
And yet again I was plenty tired at the end of the day!

That seems to be the norm on this project, so I'll sign off!

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