Friday, August 12, 2011

Wednesday August 10 Quick note

Since the time at the internet connections are short and slow I’ll prepare a sort of diary to write some thoughts offline and post them quickly with pictures!

Yesterday evening I realized that because of measurement errors, we pretty much need to redraw all our sketchup drawings. That on top of getting our behinds handed to us by 450 to 500 pound oak beams made for a very uncomfortable night.

Our accommodations are rustic at best as well. That little tempest destroyed what was supposed to be our shelter for rain days, soaked tools and ourselves, and only strategic positioning of bedding and suitcases prevented them from an equal fate.

The improvised ridge that Emmanuel and I put on the building has kept us dry in the more than usual rain showers, but most likely would not have helped in that storm either. Now I have a sheet stapled to the ceiling beams to keep the grit from falling on my bed every time Emmanuel moves on the floor above. A curtain for the doorway will help with the draft.

Electricity is shifted to the living quarters after work and the one drop light gets hung on a nail in whatever room is the most important.

On the good note: We have foundations for our four posts. They were poured today and will soon be up for the considerable task of carrying the dead weight of green oak.

A quick delve into Sketchup provided us with three pieces to rough cut and lay out. So tomorrow we can start cutting on everything that is part of the roof framing, while I continue to lay out.

It’s ten pm. After a short trip to Chez Patrick for emailing and a couple beers we made dinner which is now served. I hope that I will be awake enough to do more drawing after. Good night.

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